Organisations, persons and contacts in InSite

You can view the organisation, persons and contact persons in InSite via the Relations page. On the page linked to this menu (known as the portal page), several menu functions are available. You can customise the configuration and naming of pages in InSite, meaning the naming in your system may be different.



You can create, change and delete organisations, persons and contact persons in InSite. You need not start Profit Windows for this! You can do the same for your Purchase and Sales contacts.


InSite cannot yet check if organisations, persons or contact persons already exist during addition.

Sample menu Relations

If you click on a menu function, you immediately open the related Help topic.


  • Configure InSite CRM

    The configuration of CRM in InSite consists of activating page types and adding a menu item.


  • Organisations in InSite

    You use the Organisations menu function to open an overview of all organisations.

  • Persons in InSite

    You use the Persons menu function to open an overview of all persons.

  • Sales contact in InSite

    In InSite, you always create a sales contact based on a profile. The advantage of this is that you can add a sales contact quickly, easily and error-free.

  • Contacts in InSite

    You use the Contacts menu function to open an overview of all contact persons.

  • View the custom contact file in InSite

    You can view custom contact files in InSite.

  • Conduct surveys in InSite

    You can use InSite to conduct both general surveys and surveys in the context of competence management.