Add fields to an input form

You can place various fixed fields on the input form yourself via the properties of the input form. You can use this data to match and/or automatically create a person/organisation/contact. In addition, you can use the Management Tool to add custom fields to the form. These are not automatically incorporated into the process.

For every input form, Profit automatically adds a tab in the Management Tool with the same name as the input form. Thus for each input form you can add tabs and assign custom fields.

You can define the custom fields in the table [Input form]. These fields are available for all input forms, so you can reuse fields (such as the Number of employees field in AFAS). Because the custom fields of all input forms are defined in a single location, it may occur that (over the course of time) a large number of custom fields are accumulated which are difficult to manage.

Carefully plan in advance which fields you want to use in forms and where reuse of fields is possible. Standardisation in requested fields is important! For instance, try to avoid asking for Full name in one form and first name and last name separately in another form.

To add fixed fields to an input form:

  1. Go to: General / In & OutSite / Input form / Input form.
  2. Open the properties of the input form.
  3. Click on the action: Management tool.
  4. Go to the tab: Tabbladen van 'Naam invulformulier'.
  5. Click on: New.
  6. Enter the name of the tab.
  7. Select a fixed field and use the > to drag it to the Fields on tab box.
  8. Repeat this for all fields you want to include on the tab.
  9. Click on: OK.

    If applicable, add another tab.

To add custom fields to an input form:

  1. Go to: General / In & OutSite / Input form / Input form.
  2. Open the properties of the input form.
  3. Click on the action: Management tool.
  4. Go to the tab: Fields in the right-hand window of the Management Tool.
  5. Click on: New.
  6. Select the Field type. It is crucial to choose the correct field type, because it determines what you can record in the database.  For example, for a Y/N field users see a check box that can be set to yes (selected) or no (not selected).
  7. Enter the Label and the Column text. The label is intended for the properties windows, the column text is used for the view. Try to keep the column text short, this improves the clarity of the view.


    The name of a custom field cannot end with a hyphen (dash).

  8. Always enter a tooltip. This is an explanation for users, which they can retrieve using F12.
  9. Complete the fields. The other fields depend on the Field type selected previously.
  10. Click on: Finish.

    Profit immediately restarts the wizard so that you can add the next field.

    Continue with the next field or click Cancel if you are ready.

    You can now add the fields to the tab that has been added for the input form. In addition to custom fields, you can also add fixed fields to the custom tab.

To make custom fields mandatory:

For matching data from the input form, visitors are required to enter their last name or company name. You can make these fields mandatory.

  1. Go to: General / In & OutSite / Input form / Input form.
  2. Open the properties of the input form.
  3. Click on the action: Management tool.
  4. Go to the tab: Context (in the right window of the Management Tool).
  5. Open the properties of the De organisatie field.
  6. Go to the tab:: Administrator settings.
  7. Select the Mandatory check box.
  8. Click on: OK.
  9. Open the properties of the De naam field.
  10. Select the Mandatory check box.
  11. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Add an input form
  2. Add a registration form
  3. Add a signup form
  4. Copy or complete personal details
  5. Complete an input form multiple times automatically in a single session
  6. Add fields to an input form
  7. Attachment allowed for input form
  8. Link an input form to a template
  9. Register an anonymous participant immediately for a course