Workflow with condition
You can add a workflow for which you record conditions. This means you can ensure that the workflow (depending on the condition) is completed in various ways.
In this example, you add a workflow for approving declarations. The following applies:
- < €25: the declaration is automatically approved.
- €25 - €99: the manager approves the declaration.
- > €100: the director approves the declaration.
- The addition of an attachment (with the receipt) is always mandatory!
In a diagram, this looks as follows:
To add a workflow with conditions:
- Open Profit.
- Go to: CRM / Dossier / Configuration / Dossier item type.
- Open the properties of the dossier item type..
- Go to the tab: Workflows.
- Open the properties of the workflow..
The workflow is supplied as follows:
You add the conditions to the start of the workflow.
- Click on the start of the workflow, in this example, Employee declaration.
You now open the general properties of the workflow.
- Use the + to open the Condition frame.
You now see the conditions Always and Blocked supplied by default.
- Click on:
- Open the properties of the condition New.
- Change the description to Declaratie laag (< € 25).
- Select Advanced filter.
- Select the Declaration amountfield.
- Select the filter value < and enter 25.
- Click on: OK.
- Add a condition for approval by the manager:
- Click on: OK.
- Finally, add the condition for approval by the director:
To link conditions to a workflow action:
You link the conditions for the approval of the declaration to the correct action. In this example, it is the Approved action. We are going to change the description of this task to Approve.
- Click on the action: Akkoord.
- Change the description to Approve.
- If required, enter the comment that you want to display to the user if he clicks this action.
- Select <Workflow end> in Follow-up task.
If the declaration is approved automatically then this request is ready immediately.
- Select Conditional in To follow-up task if:.
Depending on a condition, the workflow flows automatically to the end of the workflow.
- Select declaration low <€25 as Condition.
Record the workflow control for the workflow task:
The destination of the task (who should review the declaration) depends on the condition. You record this using a conditional destination for the appropriate workflow task. In this example, this is the Review task.
- Click on: Beoordelen.
- If necessary, fill the comment for the task.
- Click on:
after Task intended for.
If the declaration < €25, it is approved automatically. You would record this as follows:
- Place the All Profit usersgroup in the Addressed to frame.
- Select the condition Declaration low.
If the declaration is between €25 and €100 then the manager reviews the declaration.
- Place the Management - submittergroup in the Addressed to frame.
- Select the condition Declaration €25 - €100.
Declarations of more than €100 are reviewed by the director.
- Place the Managementgroup in the Addressed to frame.
- Select the condition Declaration high > €100.
- Click on: OK.
- Click on: Publish.
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