You use groupings to set fields for a group. This saves you from having to maintain settings at a low-level.
In Profit Order management, you can group on articles (article group), integration group, price group, presentation group and combined group. At group level, you set the data that applies for the entire group. For instance, for article groups you set the ledger accounts used for entries made at a high level (integration with Financial) or the invoice settings.
A number of these groups can also be added using other modules, namely Profit General, Profit Projecten and Profit Subscriptions.
- Add an article group
You add article groups to group your article range by specific features. If you want to journalise logistics entries, you must also record ledger accounts for the journalising .
- Add an integration group
An integration group is a collection of work types and costs. You can add integration groups and for each group determine which work types and/or costs are included in the group. Per integration group you specify for Profit Financieel a ledger account of the 'Revenue' type and a ledger account of the 'Credit entries' type to be used for journalising the invoices.
- Add a price group
You add price groups and link these to an Article, a Work type, Costs and an Assembled item.
- Add a presentation group
You use a presentation group to present fields in a structured way.
- Add a combined group
You add combined groups and link these to an Article, a Work type, Costs and an Assembled item. You can also add discount scales for a combined group. These discount scales then apply to the linked data.