Configure projects in OutSite

Before you can use Projects with Project Self Service in InSite and/or OutSite, you must first configure the functionality.



Before your OutSite users can access the Projects portal, you must add the menu to the site and activate the page types for Projects in the site.

If you add the Projects menu to the site, you automatically have access to a basic page, a default project page with basic information, for viewing My projects and Projects.

You can make the basic projects page accessible to interested parties. The basic page also serves as a source for the pages for team members and the roles they play in the team.


  • Activate page types for Projects in OutSite

    For the Projects portal, you activate the Projects page types. You can also activate Teams if you want to make the view teams and team members functionality available.

  • Create a menu item for Projects in OutSite

    You add the Projects menu item to the site. On this portal page, you automatically have the data for Projects.

  • Configure a specific team role page for Projects

    As Site manager, you can configure and maintain a specific project page for each team role in InSite and/or OutSite. You use a specific team role page to specify the project data that should be visible in InSite and/or OutSite for team members with this role.

Also see