Custom fields and tabs that are visible externally

You can extend dossier item types with custom fields, so that you can add company-specific data to the dossier items. These custom fields are placed on tabs you can also add yourself.


In your organisation, you use dossier items of the type ICT request. Your employees can register the dossier items for the ICT department, for instance concerning failures or new hardware or software.

You include the following custom fields in the ICT request dossier item type:

  • Make
  • Type
  • Version
  • Serial number

    If an employee submits a new dossier item, he can directly complete the above fields. This will save your ICT Department a lot of time. Profit displays the new tabs with custom fields:

  • When you add a dossier item as a separate step in the wizard.
  • In the dossier item properties.


    You must first authorise new tabs with custom fields for the users. Only authorised users can maintain the custom fields on these tabs.


    You can use custom fields in a maximum of 40 dossier item types!

To add custom fields to a dossier item type:

  1. Go to: CRM / Dossier / Configuration / Dossier item type.
  2. Open the properties of the dossier item type..
  3. Go to the tab: Settings.
  4. Select the Use custom fields check box.
  5. Click on: OK
  6. Go to: General / Management / Management tool.
  7. Open the properties of the Dossier function group.
  8. Click on Yes in the message.
  9. Select the line with the linked table in Description:

  10. Add custom fields. View the description here.
  11. Go to the tab: Tabs.
  12. Click on: New.
  13. Enter the name of the tab.
  14. Move the fields to the Fields on tab column.
  15. Click on: OK.
  16. Move the fields to the Fields on tab column.
  17. Click on: OK.
  18. Close the Management tool.
  19. Click on: Yes.

Directly to

  1. Adjust a dossier item type for OutSite
  2. Change a dossier item type
  3. Types that can be recorded externally
  4. Internal dossier item types
  5. Delete a dossier item type
  6. Custom fields and tabs that are visible externally