External media link
You can link a page to specific social media services. This allows you to tweet the page via Twitter or post it as a message on Facebook or LinkedIn. By default, the links are displayed in the upper right corner of the page's content.
You can only activate the fields for the social media if you have not selected the Site only accessible to logged in visitors check box on the General tab in the site properties.
You can link the contents of the website to various external media. The links are always displayed in this order (if you use them all):
Because you can also create a link to e-mail, it is called an external media link.
You link the external media in the properties of a site.
To set up external media:
Log on and start Site management.
- Click on: Layout.
- Go to the tab: General.
- Select the check box(es) of the link(s) you want to use in the site.
- Click on: OK.