Specific replacement lines

You add replacement lines for specific ledger accounts and/or allocations. You can use these, for example to accomplish the following:

  • Configure replacement lines for allocations that have a different code in the financial administration.
  • Configure replacement lines for allocations by alphanumerical codes.
  • Configure replacement lines to bundle certain combinations of ledger accounts and/or allocations on one ledger account.


    In the case of a replacement line for a specific ledger account with an allocation (organisational unit, job, cost centre or cost unit), this allocation must be allowed in the properties of the ledger account in the chart of accounts.

    For example: If you define an allocation by cost centre for the Bruto lonen (4000) account, the allocation by cost centre check box must have been selected in the properties of Bruto lonen (4000) in the chart of accounts.

In the below image the following replacement lines have been defined for cost centres:

[All accounts] account number = original account number + cost centre code

[All accounts] account number in case of allocation by Profit = original account number + '999'.

[All accounts] account number in case of allocation by 200 = original account number + 500.

[Advances on wages] account number 1800 in case of allocation by 200 = 2200 + 500.

In Profit you have configured the following replacement lines:

This results in the following chart of accounts: