Configure wage declarations using FOS

For each employer you specify whether you want to send the wage declaration using FOS. Before you start using this option, you have to request a FOS account from the tax authority.


De aanlevering via FOS bevindt zich momenteel in een transitiefase: De Belastingdienst schakelt voor de aanlevering van FOS-berichten over op FTPS. De transitiefase loopt t/m 31 mei 2013. Vanaf 1 juni moet u de nieuwe FTPS-methode gebruiken.

To use this new method, you must first configure a communication profile. Afterwards, you perform the following steps. During the changeover process, you cannot exchange message using FOS (and also not using the old method). Make sure all messages are sent before you configure the communication profile.

To set up FOS for an employer:

  1. Go to: HR / Organisation / Employer.
  2. Open the employer’s properties.
  3. Go to the tab: Preferred value Payroll.
  4. Select the Submit wage declaration through 'FOS' channel check box.
  5. Click on: OK.

See also

Directly to

  1. Send a wage declaration using FOS
  2. Configure the FOS communication profile
  3. Configure
  4. Check, prepare, and send a wage declaration using FOS