Configure Timeos for the employer (year-end work)

For the employer, you configure the Timeos agency if the employer delivers year-end work to Timeos ('Grafische Bedrijfsfondsen').

To configure ‘Timeos (GAK)’ for the employer:

  1. Go to: HR / Organisation / Employer.
  2. Open the employer’s properties.
  3. Go to the tab: Agency.
  4. Open the properties of the agency.
  5. Go to the tab: Taxpayer.
  6. Open the most recent agency line.

    Profit uses this agency line for the year-end work for the year in question.


    You see the following agency lines:

  • 1 January up to and including 30 November
  • 1 December - ...[no end date]

For the year-end work, Profit uses the second agency line: 1 December - ...[no end date].

  1. Enter your GBF registration number.

    You can only edit this field if you have selected the Generating GBF year-end work check box on the Digital tab.

  2. Go to the tab: Digital.
  3. Select the Do not include in year-end work check box if you do not want to generate year-end work for this agency.

    This may be the case, for example, if the only employee for this employer is a 'DGA' (Directeur / grootaandeelhouder).

  4. By default, the sender specified in the agency properties is used. This is the highest level. You can also enter a different sender at the employer level.


    The use of a deviating sender does not apply to in-service customers. Furthermore, the Sender and File location fields are not available.

    If you use a deviating sender, complete the following fields:

    • Sender

      Here you select the employer who is the sender of the year-end work for this agency and for this employer. The employer who is set up as the sender can also be included in the collective file but this is not obligatory.

    • File location

      Enter a file location for the year-end work file if you want to use a different location than that specified at the environment level or at the agency level.

    • Medium

      Here, select the medium to be used for sending the year-end work file. The ‘Timeos’ agency supports diskette and CD as delivery media.


    For the ‘Timeos’ agency, do not select the Per e-mail type because ‘Timeos’ does not support it.

  5. Select the Generating GBF year-end work check box.
  6. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Configure year-end work at employer level
  2. Configure Timeos for the employer
  3. Configure 'PGGM' for the employer
  4. Configure 'Interpolis' for the employer