Employee does not participate in the 'levensloopregeling', but receives a 'levensloop' contribution as a non-participant

The employer pays out the employer share in the ‘Levensloop’ to the employee who does not participate in the ‘Levensloopregeling’.

In the Profit CLA and Basic CAO the following wage component is available for this purpose:

  • 100.004.918 'Levensloop bijdrage niet-deelnemer'


    Each wage component has a comment in which the operation of the wage component is explained. Always take a look at this explanation on the Comment tab in the properties of the wage component in the CLA. If you do not have the wage component available, first activate it.

You can apply the wage component in three ways:

  • Based on a fixed amount, by using the 'Bedrag' parameter.
  • Based on a percentage, by using the 'Percentage' parameter.
  • Based on a variable amount, by using the 'Afwijkend bedrag' parameter.

Based on a fixed amount

If you want to calculate a fixed amount per period, you post the amount to the Bedrag parameter at the employee, employer or CLA level. Profit does not apply a pro rata calculation upon start/end employment.

Based on a percentage

If you want to calculate a reimbursement based on a percentage, you specify a percentage in the Percentage parameter. You also configure the calculation basis that Profit should apply this percentage to.

To configure a calculation basis:

  1. Go to: HR / Organisation / CLA.
  2. Open the CLA properties.
  3. Go to the tab: Wage component.
  4. Open the properties of the 100.004.918 'Levensloop bijdrage niet-deelnemer' wage component.
  5. Go to the tab: Parameter.

    The parameter with sequence number 25 shows the calculation basis used.

  6. Click on: Cancel.
  7. Go to the tab: Calculation basis.
  8. Open the properties of the calculation basis.
  9. Go to the tab: Wage components.
  10. Select the wage components that need to be included in the calculation basis.
  11. Click on: OK.

Based on a variable amount

You post a reimbursement based on a variable amount by selecting HR / Payroll / Enter wage entry.