Authorise the approval and reporting ready of the actual costing
You can authorise the access of users and/or user groups to approval and reporting ready with regard to separating duties. For this purpose, you must authorise the menu function and the actions.
Using the procedure below, you only authorise the actions for approving and reporting ready in Profit Windows. For InSite, these actions are on separate pages that you can authorise in InSite using Site management by making them available in the menu or not.
To authorise the approval and reporting ready of the actual costing:
- Go to: General / Management / Authorisation tool.
- Select the group or user you want to authorise.
- Go to the tab: Menu.
- Click on: + before General / Projects / Actual costing.
- Select or deselect the Approve actual costing menu option.
- Go to the tab: Authorisation.
- Click on: + before Project / Actual costing / Approve actual costing / Actions.
- Select the action you want to authorise.
Authorise the Employee and Project actions if you want to grant the user (group) rights to view the properties of the employee directly from the entry program.
Authorise the Change actual costing action if you want to grant the user (group) rights to open and change an actual costing line in the entry program from the view. You can only authorise this policy in Profit Windows, not in InSite.
- Choose the access right Not allowed or Allowed at the bottom right of the window.
- Also authorise the same actions in the Projects / Project / Project part if you want to authorise users to approve and report ready per individual project. This can be useful, for example, for project managers.
Configure the authorisation filter Projects - Actual costing if you want to apply filter authorisation to the actual costing lines. You can also configure the project authorisation using the Projects - Projects authorisation filter. In that case, when approving or viewing and changing lines via the approval process, users only see the actual costing lines they are allowed to see based on the actual costing line authorisation and the project authorisation.
This filter authorisation also applies in Actual costing/Enter hours in InSite.
To configure the filter authorisation for Actual costing/Projects for Windows and InSite:
- Go to: General / Management / Authorisation tool.
- Go to the tab: Group maintenance.
- Select the group to authorise.
- Go to: Extra/Data filter maintenance (or click
- Select Projects - Actual costing (or Projects - Projects) for Filter type:.
- Select According to filters.
- Click on: OK.
- Add the filter authorisation using the default procedure.
- Close the Authorisation tool.
- Click on Yes in the message.
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