Record progress codes

In de tabel Progress legt u voortgangscodes. Deze voortgangscodes kunt u gebruiken in de boekingslay-outs van de voor- en de nacalculatie en in de projecten zelf. For example, you can use these progress codes to record the various activities of a calculation rule. These activities can include splitting work that belongs to the same work type.


A bricklayer has to lay the bricks for a house and a shed. For this job, 300 hours have been specified using the Bricklaying work type.

When specifying the cost estimate and registering the actual costing, only the Bricklaying activity is considered. Because the rate is the same, you do not need to include different lines for the cost estimate and the actual costing.

Because the project developer wants to improve his insight into what actually has to be done in these 300 hours, and how many hours are required per part, he assigns progress codes to each of the following parts:

  • Laying the bricks for the shed: 50 hours
  • Laying the bricks for the ground floor of the house: 125 hours
  • Laying the bricks for the second floor of the house: 75 hours
  • Laying the bricks for the third floor of the house: 50 hours

    Splitting the activities up in this way improves insight and does not lead to different rates.

To add progress codes:

  1. Go to: General / Configuration / Custom table.
  2. Open the properties of the Progress custom table.
  3. Go to the tab: Value.
  4. Click on: New.
  5. Enter a value in Code. This is the code for the line value in the table.
  6. Enter the description.
  7. Click on: Finish.

    You can immediately add another progress code.

  8. Click on the X in the upper-right corner after you have added all codes.
  9. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Configure progress
  2. Activate the Progress functionality
  3. Record progress codes
  4. Entry layout settings