Add the actual costing using Actual costing
You enter the actual costing with a start time and an end time. If the project is configured appropriately, Profit automatically adds an appointment to the calendar. If you change this actual costing line, Profit automatically updates the appointment in the calendar. And vice versa, if you change this appointment in Profit Calendar, the appointment is updated from the entry program.
To add the actual costing using Actual costing in Profit Projects with Profit Calendar integrated:
- Go to: Projects / Actual costing / Actual costing per line.
- Enter a value in Year.
- Enter a value in Period.
- Enter a value in Employee.
- Click on the action: F5. Select.
If lines have been entered previously for the combination of employee, financial year and period, the entry window shows these existing lines. At the bottom of the entry program you see the total number of hours entered for each day, if you have included this field in the entry layout.
- Enter the date.
- Enter the start and end times.
- Select a value for Project.
- Select a value for Work type.
- Profit enters the work type description in Description.
Profit also shows this description in Profit Calendar. If you leave this field blank, Profit shows the project description.
- Profit automatically enters the number of hours in Number. This only applies to work type lines, not to other line types.
- Repeat this process for each actual costing line. If the project has been configured for integration with Profit Calendar, Profit creates an appointment for each line entered.
- Click on: Finish.
The entry layout header is active again.
- Click on: Cancel.