Additional work and charging in instalment invoicing
Using instalment invoicing usually involves 'Additional work'. This is work that was carried out, but that was not taken into account at the time the agreed price was determined. You can usually charge this extra work to the client on a cost-plus basis. The work that you perform and that is part of the agreed price amount, may, however, not be invoiced on a cost-plus basis (since there is an instalment for this purpose). This means that you have to make arrangements to prevent charging the wrong actual costing lines to the client.
In addition to 'Additional work', 'Unworked time' can also occur. This can only be determined by comparing the cost estimate with the actual costing that has been entered. After the comparison has been made 'Unworked time' is credited using manual invoicing.
To charge in actual costing lines:
The actual costing lines contain the Charge field that Profit uses to determine if the lines should be copied to the automatic project invoices. This field is now automatically suggested on the following basis:
- The value of the Charge field in the work type is suggested on the actual costing line. However, you can change this here.
- Profit always sets article lines to Charge, but you can change this, if you want to.
- If, in the project, Charge has the value N, this value copied to all actual costing lines and it cannot be changed there.
- This is adapted as follows: If Instalment invoices has the value Y in the project, the value N is always suggested on the actual costing lines in which this project has been entered. However, this can be changed to specify that Additional work is involved.
- You can also use an extra phase. The Additional work field can be activated for the phase. From then on the lines to be charged are treated as regular actual costing lines.
To charge in cost estimate lines:
You can also use the Charge field in the cost estimate and cost estimate lines.
When carrying forward the packing slip lines, Profit checks the setting at the project level with regard to instalments. If you have defined instalments for a project, the following applies:
- In case of an instalment that does not refer to additional work, Profit sets the Charge field to N.
- In case of an instalment that does refer to additional work, Profit copies the value of the Charge field from the packing slip.