E-mail, print and save cost estimates/quotations in a dossier

In one action, you can print and/or e-mail several cost estimates and quotations and save them in the sales contact and project dossiers.

To e-mail, print and save cost estimates in a dossier:

  1. Go to: Projects / Cost estimate / Cost estimate.
  2. Click on: Select.
  3. Filter on the lines that you want to e-mail/print.
  4. Select the line(s).
  5. Click on the action: Output.
  6. Select the Only process invoices that have not yet been processed. check box if you only want to process the invoices that have not yet been processed.
  7. Select the Printer and Printer tray.
  8. Select a different Issue method if you want to e-mail and/or print all the reports to be processed in the same way.
  9. Select a deviating Report if you want to deviate from the default report definition for all the reports to be processed. If you do not select a deviating report, Profit determines the report type automatically.
  10. Select a different Message template (e-mail template) if you want to deviate from the default message template for the accompanying text for all e-mail messages.
  11. Select the Save in client record check box if you want to add a dossier item for each e-mail or printout with a linked report.
  12. Click on: Next.

    You now see an overview of all the lines.

  13. Click on:Print preview and/or E-mail preview if you want to see a preview.

    If you are using the queue, this step is not available and you cannot display a print preview.

  14. Click on: Finish.


    If you are using the queue, Profit places this task in the queue. While the task is being performed in the queue, you can continue to work. See: Use and manage the queue

    The queue is always enabled in AFAS Online. That means that the task is always preformed via the queue.

See also:

Directly to

  1. E-mail in bulk, print and save in a dossier cost estimates/quotations
  2. Configure report printing and e-mailing
  3. E-mail in bulk, print and save in a dossier cost estimates/quotations