Configure advance payment
If you want to use advance payment as the order processing method for the sales contact, you first have to configure this.
Advance payment is an order processing method in which the order from the sales contact is first entered and paid for after which you deliver the articles.
You configure this in the article groups and you set the order processing method.
- Authorise create invoice action
If you are using advance payment, you can create an invoice immediately after adding a sales order without first creating a packing slip. You do this using an action which you must authorise first.
- Set up an article group for advance/down payment
For the journalising of articles still to be delivered for which there is already an invoice, you set a general ledger account in the article group. You do this for all article groups for which there are articles that you sell and deliver using advanced payment.
- Set up the entry layout for Advance payment
In the default entry layouts, the Processing order field has been added to the sales order header. If you use your own entry layout for the sales order and you want to be able to change the order processing method in the order then you must add this field to your own entry layout.
- Set advance payment as the order processing method
In Profit Order management, you can specify that order processing is done using advance payment at three levels.
Also see
- Add a sales order for down payment
In a specific sales order you can indicate that it has to be delivered using advance payment. If you have already set advance payment as the order processing method in the Order management settings or at the sales contact level, the sales order automatically shows this setting in the Processing order field.
- Change a sales order with advance payment
You can still change an added sales order with advance payment for which an invoice has already been generated.
- Generate an invoice afterwards for a sales order with advance payment
If you have not yet generated the invoice of the sales order that needs to be paid in advance in the actual sales order, you can do so in the sales order view.
- Generate a packing slip for advance payment
After the advance payment order has been invoiced, the Invoiced in advance check box is selected in the sales order properties. You then wait for the sales contact's payment. Profit Financieel journalises the payment of the sales order which results in an outstanding item. The payment is reconciled as soon as it has been received. Reconciliation is possible using a manual entry, by importing a bank statement or by using the 'Reconcile' function. Once the advance payment has been reconciled, the order is released for delivery and you can generate the packing slip.
- Generate a correction invoice
In Profit Order management, you can generate correction invoices. You use a correction invoice, for example if you have a sales order with advance payment that has been invoiced and paid already, but for which changes were necessary later on. In the case of advance payment, you use only one correction invoice that includes all changes at the end of the process. You can only generate a correction invoice if the order is completed.
- Examples of advance payment journalising
Sales orders with advance payment have different journal entries.