E-mail/print counter/direct invoices from Output

You can print and/or e-mail a counter/direct invoice using the Output invoices action.

In doing so, the action takes the Preferred issue method for your contact into account.

If you want to e-mail or print according to your contact's preferences then you must configure this first.

To supply counter/direct invoices using the Output action:

  1. Go to: Order Management / Sales process / Counter/direct invoice.
  2. Select a line. Or select multiple lines:
    1. Click on: Select.
    2. Select Select lines (Ctrl+S).


    3. Select the lines one by one (or press Ctrl+A to select all lines at the same time).
  3. Click on the action: Output invoices.
  4. If applicable, select the Only process invoices that have not yet been processed. check box to process the lines that have not yet been printed/e-mailed.


    Normally, an invoice is completely processed when it has been issued in the way set up as the Preferred issue method for the contact. However, if you process the line via the Output wizard using Different issue, this line will also be marked as Completely processed.

  5. If applicable, select a different printer.
  6. If applicable, select another printer tray.
  7. Select the Different issue check box if you want to e-mail or print all lines in the same way and therefore do not want to take into account the Preferred issue method set for the sales/purchase contacts.
    1. Select the deviating issue method which will be the same for all selected lines, namely: Print, Print and e-mail PDF or E-mail PDF. For invoices, you also have the E-mail e-invoice + PDF option.
    2. Select a deviating report (other than that set in the sales and/or purchase contact profile).
    3. Select a message template if you selected one of the e-mail options as a deviating supply type.
  8. Select the Save in client record check box if you want to store the issued reports in the dossier for the contact(s).
  9. For Sorting, select the sorting method for printing.
  10. Select the Descending check box to sort the reports from high to low.
  11. Click on: Next. If you are using the queue, this step is not available and you cannot display a print preview.

    You now see an overview of the lines that will be issued and how this will be done.

    1. Select a line with the Print issue method and click on the Print preview action to check the report.
    2. Select a line with the E-mail issue method and click on the E-mail preview action.
    3. Close the preview.
  12. Click on: Finish.
  13. Click on: OK when the message informing you that the processing is complete is displayed.

    The Printed, Dossier, Mailed, Compl. proc. and Provided using eVerbinding check boxes are selected when you have completed the corresponding procedure. These fields are only visible if you have added them to the view.


    If you are using the queue, Profit places this task in the queue. While the task is being performed in the queue, you can continue to work. After the task has been completed successfully, you can retrieve the generated reports.

    The queue is always enabled in AFAS Online. That means this task is always performed via the queue.

See also

Directly to

  1. Counter/direct invoice
  2. Configure
  3. Add a counter/direct invoice
  4. Quickly add a counter/direct invoice by copying order lines
  5. Convert a quotation into a counter/direct invoice
  6. View a counter/direct invoice
  7. Counter/direct invoices via Output
  8. Print packing slips
  9. Print invoices
  10. Decide which layout to use for an invoice
  11. Release a counter/direct invoice
  12. Credit a counter/direct invoice
  13. Cash sales via counter/direct invoices