Process stock entries using the barcode scanner

Using the barcode scanner you can enter, write off and transfer goods. You can start these actions on the barcode scanner yourself, no action from Profit is required.

You must first perform the general barcode scanner configuration if you have not already done so.


As yet the scanner does not work in combination with dimension articles, batch entry articles and 'length x width' articles.

As soon as you have performed one of the actions, an UpdateConnector will be called that saves the data to Profit.

The following tables are filled:

  • Stock recapitulation, which contains an overview of the stock movements.
  • Entries, which contains all the logistics entries that need to be journalised.
  • Stock, with the updated stock.
  • Serial numbers, if a new serial number is entered for an existing serial number article.

    Entries for serial number articles are made per article. If multiple serial number articles are entered in the barcode scanner at the same time then, for each of these articles, the connector is called with quantity=1.

  • Lots, if a new lot is entered for an existing lot article.
    When entering a lot article, there is one entry per lot.