Add warehouse

Each environment with stock has by default just one warehouse (default warehouse ****). You can add new warehouses yourself.

If you want to add warehouses, you must activate the Multiple warehouses functionality. When you add a warehouse, a default location is added even if you have activated the Tracking stock at warehouse locations functionality.

To add a warehouse:

  1. Go to: Order Management / Stock / Warehouse.
  2. Click on: New


  3. Enter Warehouse and Description.
  4. At least enter the fields under Contact details.
  5. Click on: Finish

To determine the sequence of the lines on the packing slip, the so-called picking sequence, you can specify a sequence number in the warehouse properties, Warehouse location tab. The packing slip lines can be sorted by this number.

Directly to

  1. Warehouses
  2. Activate multiple warehouses
  3. Add warehouse
  4. Authorise and set up a warehouse move
  5. Multiple warehouses and purchasing
  6. Warehouse allocation
  7. Block a warehouse
  8. Delete warehouses collectively