Configure the Digipoort communication profile

You open the Digipoort communication profile and add the certificate.

You must also add an extended certificate as shown below. You do not have to delete old certificates.

If you already have a Digipoort certificate, you can also use this for the exchange via ‘FOS’.


Port 443 is used to communicate with Digipoort.

The following URLs are used for SOAP2008 (only for DigiZSM):


The following URLs are used for WUS 2.0:


Up until Profit Update 4014.2.06, you use the URL instead of

To configure the Digipoort communication profile:

  1. Go to: General / Communication service / Communication profile.
  2. Open the properties of the communication profile. Communication with Digipoort.
  3. Go to the tab: General.
  4. Deselect the Blocked check box.
  5. Go to the tab: Certificate.
  6. Add the certificate:
    1. Click on: New.
    2. Enter the description.
    3. Select the certificate.
    4. Enter the password.
    5. Click on: Finish.
  7. Click on: OK
  8. Test the communication profile using the Test connection action.

If you are using your own authorisation register, you can specify this on the Settings tab in the properties of the communication profile. This does not apply to most customers.

This may apply if, for example, there is a mandate relationship between an accounting firm and its clients. If necessary, you can select the Use deviating AuSP check box and specify the URL.

Directly to

  1. Configure Digipoort
  2. Request certificate
  3. Configure Digipoort communication profile