Transfer an environment to another participant number (AFAS Online)

You can transfer an environment to another participant number.

Licence conditions:

  • Source and target licence

    The source licence (of the old participant number) and the target licence (of the new participant number) both support the environment type. It is not possible, for example, to transfer an environment for a Small Business licence to a Standard Edition licence.

  • Licence numbers

    The target licence should offer room for the addition of a new environment.

To transfer an environment to another participant number:

To do this, both licence holders need to submit an incident. In this example, the O12345AA environment needs to be transferred from participant number 12345 to participant number 98765.

  1. The licence holder of the old participant number 12345 submits the first incident.

    In the incident, specify the name of the environment that needs to be transferred, in this example O12345AA. Always specify the name of the environment, not the description.

    Note the number of the incident, for example number 999999.

  2. The licence holder of the new participant number 98765 submits the second incident.

    In the incident, notify:

    Approval for request of incident 999999. Restore the O12345AA environment under our participant number 98765.

Directly to

  1. Manage environments (AFAS Online)
  2. Copy an environment
  3. Delete an environment using AFAS Online
  4. Transfer an environment to another participant number (AFAS Online)