Copy an environment (AFAS Online)

You can copy the current environment; Profit will then automatically create a backup and restore it.

If you want to use the new environment as a test environment, you can specify this when running the wizard. You can use this, for example, to test a change in the configuration such as a new invoice layout.

With copying, the domain and web server for InSite are blocked.

A user with a cooperation licence can restore his own environment at a customer based on the customer's participant number.


A test environment is not suitable for testing InSite or OutSite, because it does not contain all the required files. If you want to test InSite or OutSite, you need to use a complete copy of an environment.


Customer copies own environment

You create a test environment based on the environment in which you are logged on.

Customer copies own environment:

  1. Open the environment for which you want to create a backup.
  2. Go to: General / Environment / Management / Copy.

    If this menu option is not available, you may first need to authorise it.

  3. Determine the content of the test environment:
    • Select the New environment will function as test environment check box in order to create a test environment quickly, without dossier item attachments and without self-defined reports, report sets, analyses, documents (DocumentGenerator), import definitions, CLA definitions, wage declaration files exchange messages with the Tax Authority, InSite and OutSite files.

      If you still want to test the above data, you can export it from the original environment and import it into the test environment. This does not apply to export definitions. If you want to transfer these to the test environment, you need to submit an incident for it. AFAS Support will transfer the export definitions to the test environment for you.

    • To create a complete copy of the environment, do not select the New environment will function as test environment check box. This requires greater performance and it will take longer until the test environment is available.

    If you make a copy of a demo environment, this option is not available to you. When making the backup, the New environment will function as test environment option is always applied.

  4. If you do not create a test environment, you can enter a description for the new environment.
  5. Click on: Finish

    Profit displays the name of the new environment.

  6. Click on: OK.

It can take some time before the new environment is available and before you can open it.

If you cannot open the new environment, you should complete the following steps:

  1. Go to: General / Environment / Open.
  2. Click on: Options.
  3. Deselect the Show last opened environments check box.
A cooperation user creates an environment for a customer

If the customer uses AFAS Online, a cooperation user can restore a template environment from the accountant to the customer environment. The user (accountant) carrying out this procedure must be a cooperation user for the customer.

A cooperation user creates an environment for a customer:

  1. Open the environment for which you want to restore a copy to the customer.
  2. Go to: General / Environment / Management / Copy.

    If this menu option is not available, you may first need to authorise it.

  3. Determine the content of the test environment:
    • Do not select the New environment will function as test environment check box if you want to restore an environment that is going to function as a 'live environment' for the customer. The customer gets a complete copy of the template environment.
    • Select the New environment will function as test environment check box in order to create a test environment quickly, without dossier item attachments and without self-defined reports, report sets, analyses, documents (DocumentGenerator), import definitions, CLA definitions, wage declaration files exchange messages with the Tax Authority, InSite and OutSite files.

    If you make a copy of a demo environment, this option is not available to you. When making the backup, the New environment will function as test environment option is always applied.

  4. Enter the name of the new environment.
  5. Select the participant number of the customer in Restore for.
  6. Click on: Finish.

    Profit displays the name of the new environment.

  7. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Manage environments (AFAS Online)
  2. Copy an environment
  3. Delete an environment using AFAS Online
  4. Transfer an environment to another participant number (AFAS Online)