Accept or decline an appointment

If an appointment has been created for you by another user, you can accept or decline the appointment. Appointments that you create yourself automatically get the Accepted status.

You do not have to accept the integration appointments from other Profit components.

To accept or decline an appointment:

  1. Go to: General / Calendar / Calendar.

    Appointments that have not yet been accepted, are displayed with a question mark:

    The appointments you have to take action on are displayed in the Notifications guest view (at the bottom of the window).

  2. Select the appointment.
  3. Using Go to you can select the appointment in the calendar. This is useful if the appointment is not displayed, for example because it is in another week.
  4. Click on: accept or Refuse.

    In case of a recurring appointment you can accept or decline the complete range. If you want to decline a number of appointments in a recurring appointment, first accept the complete range, then decline the individual appointments in the detail view.

Directly to

  1. Calendar in Profit Windows
  2. Profit Calendar layout
  3. View appointments
  4. Create an appointment
  5. Edit an appointment without being the owner
  6. Accept or decline an appointment
  7. Place dossier items in a calendar
  8. Manually synchronise Profit Calendar