Authorisation based on position allocation
If you populate authorisation groups based on selections, Profit uses the organisational unit of the employee by default. You can use the organisational unit from the position lines of the employee. As a result of this, an employee can have more than one organisational unit, and can therefore also be assigned to more than one authorisation group. To use position allocation by default (rather than the organisational unit), you must enable the Employee authorisation based on position allocation activation. This activation adds a position allocation line for all employees. Depending on the situation, this is 100% or 0%.
By default, every employee has one current organisational unit. It is taken from the current job line of the employee. By default, the [OE] filter tag always yields the current organisational unit. However, you can also set a position allocation in a job line, if the employee works at several departments. If you enable the Employee authorisation based on position allocation activation, the [OU] filter tag only checks the position allocation per employee and no longer checks the organisational unit of the job line.
According to his current job line, an employee works at the DESG department (Ontwerp).
According to the position allocation for this job allocation, he works at the DESG department (Ontwerp) for 50% and at the PROG department (Ontwikkeling) for 50%.
Result of the [Print] filter tag:
- If you do not use the Employee authorisation based on position allocation activation, the result is DESG (= the organisational unit of the job line).
- If you do use the Employee authorisation based on position allocation activation, the result is DESG and PROG.
Custom operation of the [Print] filter tag
After activating this functionality, the filter tag has a custom operation for the following criteria:
- is equal to =
Department = [Print] now filters by 'is equal to one of the departments'.
- is not equal to !=
Department != [Print] now filters by 'not in one of the departments'.
- contains
Department [Print] now filters by 'is one of the departments'.
- does not contain
Department ![Print] now filters by 'is not one of the departments'.
Multiple simultaneous employments
By default the [Print] tag always yields the organisational unit of the main employment. If you also want to authorise by the organisational unit of additional employments, you activate Employee authorisation based on position allocation. Profit then applies the [Print] filter tag to the position allocation of the current main employment and the additional employments. The result is all current organisational units from the position allocation.
An employee has the following employments:
- Main employment: Office manager at the Sales department.
The employee has a position allocation with one line: 100% Sales.
- Additional employment: Desk employee at the Warehouse department.
The employee has a position allocation with one line: 100% Warehouse.
- Additional employment: Desk employee at the Delivery department (Pulmonary diseases).
The employee has a position allocation with one line: 100% Delivery.
Result of the [Print] filter tag:
- If you do not use the Employee authorisation based on position allocation activation, the result is Sales (= the organisational unit of the job line for the main employment).
- If you do use the Employee authorisation based on position allocation activation, the result is Sales, Warehouse and Delivery.
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