Quickly convert XML to JSON

You can quickly convert XML to JSON using the XML2JSON tool. This tool is provided by AFAS. AFAS does not support this tool and it is your responsibility to use the correct XML and JSON code.

To download and use the tool:

  1. Download the XML2JSON tool (zip).
  2. Extract the tool.
  3. Start XML2JSON.exe.
  4. Paste the XML in the left box and convert it. The method (POST, PUT or DELETE) is determined and displayed automatically.

Directly to

  1. Profit Rest Services (JSON)
  2. Call a connector using the Profit REST Service
  3. Add an app connector for the Profit REST Service
  4. Generate a token for the Profit REST Service
  5. Convert XML to JSON
  6. Call a GetConnector
  7. Call an UpdateConnector
  8. Call a ReportConnector
  9. Call a SubjectConnector
  10. Call a ProfitVersionConnector