Link an invoice layout to a sales contact profile

In a sales contact profile you link the reports (layouts) that Profit should use in the order process and invoicing. In the default sales contact profile, the reports and invoices have already been linked to the Profit reports supplied as defaults. This profile automatically applies to all sales contacts.

The reports to be linked are divided into reports for invoices and reports for the order process in Logistics, Project and Financial. In the supplied default sales contact profile, the Profit reports are linked. You can also add your own reports and link them here.

To link an (invoice) report layout to a sales contact profile:

  1. Go to: General / Configuration / Integration settings / Sales contact profile.
  2. Click on: New.

    You can also open the properties of an existing sales contact profile.

  3. Go to the tab: Report.
  4. Check the linked reports or select another report.
  5. Go to the tab: Report invoice.
  6. Check the reports linked for the invoices or select another report for the invoices..

    An invoice for a sales contact that is linked to this profile will be printed using this layout.

  7. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Sales contact profile
  2. Add reports
  3. Check/adjust the default sales contact profile
  4. Add a deviating sales contact profile
  5. Link a deviating sales contact profile
  6. Link a report/invoice layout to a sales contact profile