Automatically number field

When you import you can automatically number a field.

You determine in the import definition that you want to use automatic numbering. When importing records, you determine the first number and the step size.


You entered in the import definition that a certain field should be numbered automatically.

When importing records, enter the following values:

  • Start value: 15
  • Increase with: 10

    The first record is given number 15. The following records are numbered consecutively: 25, 35, 45, etc.

Set import definition:

  1. Go to the import function.
  2. Go to the view with the import fields.
  3. Select the field you want to adjust.
  4. Select the Numbering option on the right.

    The options set are shown in the Action and Value columns.

  5. Complete the wizard. 

Import data:

  1. Before the importing starts, you must enter the first number for the automatic numbering and the step size:

  2. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Import options for fields
  2. Empty field via import
  3. Import fixed value for a field
  4. Automatically edit import field for this imported
  5. Automatically add consecutive number to field via import
  6. Enter field value for each line during import
  7. Enter field value once during import
  8. Import images