Change reporting codes with text

The reporting codes are supplied with Profit. This also applies to reporting codes of the Text type. These codes allow you to record comments.

Some reporting codes of the Text type are linked to an SBR code. You can use these reporting codes to enter comments on the year-end work you deliver to the Chamber of Commerce. You can enter a general comment or a comment per administration.

To change a reporting code with text:

  1. Go to: Financial / Ledger / Configuration / Reporting structure.
  2. Filter the Reporting cockpit column by T.

    This will cause the view to only contain reporting codes of the Text type.

  3. Open the properties of a reporting code.
  4. Go to the tab: Text.
  5. Enter the comment in Text.
  6. Go to the tab: Administrative text.
  7. Per administration, you can add one text which takes precedence over the general text on the Text tab.
  8. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Configure the filing of financial reports and financial statements with the Chamber of Commerce (CoC)
  2. Set up a communication profile
  3. Record general administration data
  4. Link SBR codes to reporting codes
  5. Change reporting codes with text