Merge debtors

If two of your existing sales contacts/debtors are going to merge, you can record this in two ways in Profit: by blocking both debtors and adding a new debtor or by merging the debtors.

Using the first method, you keep the invoices/dossier creation of the current debtors separate. Using the second method, the organisations/debtors are merged. This means that you transfer all information (dossier/invoices/contact information) of one debtor/organisation to the other debtor. If you want to merge debtors, select the second method.

To block both debtors and add a new debtor:

  1. Go to: Financial / Debtor / Debtor.
  2. Open the properties of the debtor.
  3. Go to the tab: Organisation/person.
  4. Select the Block completely, no longer visible check box.

    The organisation or persons that are linked to the current debtors cannot be blocked.

  5. Add a new debtor (and consequently a new organisation as well). For further information, see the Add a sales contact/debtor procedure.

To merge debtors:

  1. Go to: Financial / Debtor / Debtor.
  2. Click on the action: Merge debtors.
  3. After two debtors have been merged the organisation of the deleted debtor simply continues to exist. If this is not what you want, you can also merge the organisations via CRM / Organisation/person / Merge.

Directly to

  1. Debtor
  2. Configuration
  3. Add a new debtor
  4. Merge debtors
  5. Import debtors and creditors
  6. Change a code
  7. Debtor monitoring
  8. Forecast of income/expenses
  9. View the turnover for a sales contact/debtor