Reconcile outstanding items by debtor or creditor

You can reconcile a selection of outstanding items by debtor or creditor.

Profit reconciles the selected lines according to a reconciliation algorithm and automatically generates a general journal entry. Only use this option if you do not automatically write off the item (via an electronic bank statement) or write it off manually via a bank journal or cash book.

For this functionality, you need to authorise the purchase invoices reconciliation and the sales invoices reconciliation.

Reconcile outstanding items by debtor or creditor:

  1. Go to:
    • Financial / Debtor / Debtor
    • Financial / Creditor / Creditor
  2. Open the properties of the debtor (or creditor).
  3. Go to the tab: Outstanding items.

    Profit shows a view with all journalised invoices that have not yet been paid by the relevant sales contact/debtor.

  4. Press: Ctrl+S if the column with the check boxes does not appear in the view.
  5. Check off the reconciling invoices and advance and other payments. Press Ctrl+A if you want to select the check boxes for all lines in one go.
  6. Click on the action: Reconcile.
  7. Confirm the reconciliation for the outstanding items.

    The result for the number of outstanding items that have been reconciled appears in the window. You won't get a separate report if Profit has not been able to reconcile all the selected lines according to the reconciliation algorithm. You can see the remaining outstanding items in the view.

Directly to

  1. Reconcile outstanding items and payments
  2. Configure reconciliation
  3. Reconcile outstanding items via overview for outstanding items
  4. Reconcile outstanding items per debtor