Supplementary VAT declaration

Supplementary VAT declarations (also called supplementary turnover tax) are corrections applied to previous declarations. In Profit, you can prepare a supplementary VAT declaration for a past calendar year (annual supplementation) and for a submitted declaration for a time frame of the current financial year (monthly or quarterly supplementation). There are no supplementations for ICP declarations.

  • Profit automatically generates a monthly/quarterly supplementation if the balance of the VAT corrections exceeds the threshold value of €1,000 (VAT to be paid or refunded).
  • If the balance is below the threshold value of €1,000, Profit includes the corrections in the next new VAT declaration.
  • An annual supplementation is a manual action that you must perform separately. An annual supplementation consists only of corrections or changes to the previous calendar year after the VAT declaration of the last period of the previous calendar year has been finalised.

This functionality only applies to Profit users in the Netherlands, with the Netherlands set as the legislative country. For the other countries (Belgium, Luxembourg, Aruba and the Netherlands Antilles), Profit processes corrections as follows: In Belgium and the Netherlands Antilles, no supplementations are used; any corrections (including those to a preceding year) are included in the next new declaration. For Luxembourg, a separate annual declaration (action button) is available for corrections to a past year, and corrections in the current financial year are included in the next new declaration. For the countries mentioned, a monthly or quarterly supplementation does not apply.


As from 1 February 2015, you can also prepare and send the supplementary VAT declarations for periods in the years 2014 and 2015 to the Tax Authority via XBRL/Digipoort.


After you have submitted a VAT declaration, it may turn out that the VAT declaration is incomplete. For example: you submit the VAT declaration for February at the beginning of March and then receive a purchase invoice with an invoice date in February. When you enter the invoice you received late, the following situation arises: you have already submitted the declaration for February and new entries are made for the February time frame which you also have to declare.

If the late entry concerns a purchase invoice, you have to pay less tax for the February time frame than the amount mentioned in the declaration.

In the Netherlands, the situation is as follows:

  • The tax authority allows you to include small VAT corrections up to €1,000 (VAT payments or refunds) in the next VAT declaration. For corrections to normal declarations, you will not receive an additional tax assessment or separate refund decision for the correction. Profit settles this VAT amount to be refunded in the next time frame for which you prepare a declaration.

    In the example Profit deducts the amount to be refunded for the February time frame from the amount to be paid in the March declaration.

  • For amounts in excess of €1,000, you need to submit a separate supplementary declaration.

    In the example a supplementary declaration must be submitted for the February time frame. Profit automatically adds a VAT supplementation for the February time frame as soon as you add a new VAT declaration. This supplementary declaration contains the amounts as they should have been for the time frame in question.

VAT sections

The following default VAT sections are provided for the Dutch supplementary declaration:

  • 5e (s): Suppletie Eindtotaal
  • 5f (s): Suppletie Saldo al aangegeven op betreffende tijdvak
  • 5g (s): Suppletie Totaal te betalen/terug te vragen.

These are special sections for the supplementary declaration to which no VAT codes or other VAT sections are linked and that are calculated from Profit. You cannot change or delete these sections.

Supplementary VAT declaration for a fiscal unit

In the case of a fiscal unit, the threshold value must be applied to the balance of all corrections made for the time frame in question in the administrations that are part of the fiscal unit. When you generate a supplementary declaration for a fiscal unit, it can be based on supplementary declarations from one or more administrations in the fiscal unit. It is not necessary for the supplementary declarations of the underlying administrations to exceed the threshold value, as long as the total of the supplementary declarations for all administration exceeds the threshold value.

If the total of the supplementary declarations does not exceed the threshold value, they must be deleted and settled in the VAT declarations that the VAT declaration for the fiscal unit is based on.

For a fiscal unit, Profit adds the balances of all VAT corrections for all administrations together to determine if the total exceeds the threshold value in the time frame in question. Here, a threshold value of €1,000 per administration applies. If the fiscal unit has 4 administrations, a threshold value of €4,000 applies.
