Generate a copy of the 'Arbo' file

You can always recreate a digital file later on. In that case the file becomes a file copy. This is possible because messages already sent are saved in Profit. These sent messages have the Sent status in the view.

To generate a file copy:

  1. Go to: HR / Presence and absence / Arbo digital.
  2. Select the 'Arbo' service line with the Sent status you want to make a file copy of.
  3. Click on the action: Create Arbo message.

    Profit notifies you that the file has been generated previously; confirm you want to generate a copy.

  4. Select the file location.

    Always specify a location different from the location the original file was saved to. If you do specify the same location as the original file and the original file has not been sent to the 'Arbo' service yet, Profit notifies you that the file cannot be created. You then have to specify a different file location.

  5. Click on: Finish

Directly to

  1. Digital 'Arbo' file
  2. Generate a digital 'Arbo' file
  3. Generate a copy of the 'Arbo' file
  4. 'Arbo' file via the Command Line Utility