Undo the approval for Payroll

Profit uses the approved actual costing lines as wage entries. By undoing the approval, these wage entries are deleted and RAE entries will be created.

You can only undo the approval for Payroll if Profit does not automatically approve the actual costing lines for Payroll.

To undo the approval:

  1. Go to: Projects / Actual costing / Approve for Payroll.
  2. Open the view: All actual costing lines for Payroll.

    This view shows all expense lines (approved for Payroll or not).

  3. Select the lines for which you want to undo the approval.

    You can speed up this process by first using a filter to retrieve the lines for which you want to undo the approval. You then select them all at once by pressing Ctrl+A.

  4. Click on the action: Cancel approval.

Directly to

  1. Declarations
  2. Configuration
  3. Enter declarations
  4. Approve declarations
  5. View dossier items based on declarations
  6. Undo the approval for Payroll