Add an authorisation role

You can add authorisation roles for the organisation.


You can only add authorisation roles for InSite.

To add an authorisation role:

  1. Go to: General / In & OutSite / Configuration / Authorisation role.
  2. Click on: New.
  3. Enter the description.
  4. Click on: Finish.

    Profit automatically opens the properties of the authorisation role so you can add functionality immediately.

  5. Go to the tab: Functionality.
  6. Click on: New.
  7. Select the functionality for this authorisation role.

    In this example you only select the check boxes for the and functionalities. You can use the quick filter to filter by MSS.

  8. Click on: Finish.
  9. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Authorisation roles
  2. Add an authorisation role
  3. Functionality for an authorisation role
  4. Modify an authorisation role
  5. Delete an authorisation role