Close an absence entry in InSite

When you have fully returned to work, you close the absence entry. If you are partially recovered, you need to contact an employee (your manager or an HR employee) who can edit the absence entry for you in Profit Windows.

To close the own absence entry using Employee Self Service:

  1. Go to: InSite.
  2. Click on: Betermelden.

    InSite may have been configured differently for you, in which case the description of the action deviates.

  3. If you do not have a week or work timetable, enter the number of hours that you still worked on the first day.
  4. Complete the remaining fields.
  5. Click on: Confirm.

Directly to

  1. Absence in InSite
  2. ESS and MSS in InSite
  3. Configure a profile
  4. Add an absence entry in InSite
  5. Absence entry for another employee in InSite
  6. View an absence entry in InSite
  7. Close an absence entry in InSite
  8. Change the absence course in InSite
  9. Adjust sickness report in InSite
  10. Add maternity leave in InSite