
By using profiles, you can automate the addition and change of employees, organisations, contact persons and purchasing and sales contacts. A profile includes field values that are copied automatically when you, for example, add a new employee. You only need to enter the missing data. A profile is always linked to a workflow which is automatically started.

Most profiles apply to HR, but there are also profiles for new organisations, contacts and sales relations.



You use profiles if you always have to enter the same data in InSite, for example when reporting an employee who has just joined the organisation. The profile will contain as many default settings and preferences as possible for specific fields. These settings and preferences are applied automatically in InSite.


The employer employs full-time employees, part-time employees for 90% and casual staff. To report the start of employment for these employees, you use profiles.

  • The profile for full-time employees contains the default timetable for full-time staff.
  • The profile of a part-time employee for 90% contains the 90% default timetable.
  • The profile for casual staff contains a zero-hour timetable.

    When reporting the start of employment for these kinds of employees, you first select the profile. The timetable is then selected automatically and you no longer have to ever do this yourself.


  • Recording settings for a group of employees in one go.
  • Report a full group of employees as having joined the organisation with the minimum of input
