Custom tabs in profile

If you use custom tabs and fields in Profit Windows then include them separately in the InSite profiles.

You add the custom tabs with the custom fields in the usual way in Profit. The free fields must be added on a separate tab for the profile in InSite.


In the Nacalculatie function group, you have added free fields for recoding additional travel information for the declaration of travelling expenses. You add a tab under the Profielen In- & OutSite function group to add these fields to the profile for InSite. You can, next, select the fields you have added on this tab.

To add custom tabs to a profile:

  1. Go to: General / Management / Management tool.
  2. Open the properties of the Profielen In- & OutSite function group.
  3. Click on: Yes.
  4. Select the file to which you want to link the custom tab.
  5. Go to the tab: Tabs.
  6. Click on: New.
  7. Enter the description.
  8. Move the fields to Fields on tab.
  9. Click on: OK.

See also

Directly to

  1. Profile
  2. Add a profile
  3. Authorise a profile
  4. Change the properties of a profile
  5. Change and link the contexts (field settings) of a profile
  6. Link a document to a profile
  7. Workflow changes by a reviewer
  8. Configure combined changes to salary, contract, timetable and job
  9. Link a wage component to a profile
  10. Custom tabs in a profile
  11. Entry logging in InSite
  12. Delete a profile