Add a profile photo

A user adds a profile photo to his or her InSite profile. You can insert a file, paste a photo or take a photo with the webcam and save it directly in InSite.

A photo of a user will only be visible if the site manager has enabled the Show the logged-on user's photo field in the properties of the layout.

Add a profile photo:

  1. Click on: the username (at the top right).

    Ins_Profielfoto aanpassen (20)

  2. Click on: My personal data.
  3.  Click on: Modify.
  4. If you want to use a different image, you must first delete the current image.
  5. Add the image using one of the following methods:
    • Click Select image to add a file.
    • Click Paste image to paste an image form the Windows clipboard.
    • Take a photo with the webcam and save it immediately. See the procedure below.

    Ins_Profielfoto toevoegen

    If you cannot see the change immediately, log on again with the username and password.

Taking a photo with the webcam and saving:

  1. Click on:Ins_Profielfoto toevoegen

    You can only take a photo using the webcam and saving it immediately is only possible if you use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. A message may be displayed because you must give your permission for using the camera. Once you have given permission, you can continue with the next steps.

  2. The image of the camera will be displayed on the screen.
  3. If you are happy with the photo, click Take a photo.
  4. The photo will be displayed. Enter a description (the name). Confirm taking the photo.
  5. Enter an explanation at Reason for the change.
  6. Click on: Modify.

Directly to

  1. Get started with InSite
  2. Configure InSite
  3. Launch InSite as an employee
  4. Use hotkeys in InSite
  5. Forgotten password
  6. Add a profile photo
  7. Record the user language
  8. Search in InSite (AFAS Online)