Set up disposal fee integration

You set up the integration with Profit Financieel in the article group that contains the Disposal fee article. You do this by selecting the correct ledger account. You may first have to add this ledger account, for example, as a Verwijderingsbijdragen ledger account.

The disposal fee is charged to sales contacts via the orders. The disposal fee is reserved in Profit and paid later.

When journalising, the disposal fee (excl. VAT) is journalised separately per article group. Before you can use this functionality, you have to activate it.

To set up integration with Financial via the article group:

  1. Go to: Order Management / Item / Grouping / Article group.
  2. Open the properties of the article group..
  3. Go to the tab: Integration.

  4. Select a value for Disposal fee account.
  5. Click on: OK.
  6. You can then add the disposal fee.

Directly to

  1. Configure the disposal fee
  2. Activate the disposal fee
  3. Set up integration with Financial for the disposal fee
  4. Add a disposal fee
  5. Link articles to a disposal fee
  6. Change the entry layout for the disposal fee