Authorise existing contact persons for OutSite

You can give existing contact persons for an organisation access to the portal.

To assign an authorisation role to an existing contact person:


You can only link authorisation roles to contact persons of the Person in organisation type.

  1. Go to: CRM / Organisation/person / Contact.
  2. Open the properties of the contact person in question.

    You open the properties of the 'Person'.

  3. Go to the tab: Communication.
  4. Click on: New.
  5. Select the communication type Work e-mail.
  6. Enter the e-mail address.
  7. Click on: Finish.
  8. Go to the tab: Portal access.
  9. Select the Allow this person access to shielded part of the portal(s) check box.
  10. Profit automatically enters the e-mail address of the contact person.
  11. Click on: OK.
  12. Go to the tab: Authorisation roles.
  13. Select the Activated check box after the correct authorisation role(s).

    Via the properties, you retrieve the rights for the selected role.

    Here, you have the Functionality tab on which you can see which functionality the person has rights to.

  14. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Authorisation roles
  2. Add and authorise contact persons for OutSite
  3. Authorise existing contact persons for OutSite
  4. Add and authorise a person for OutSite
  5. Add OutSite authorisation roles using an import or UpdateConnector