Enter a subsequent payment

You enter the subsequent payment as a wage entry. This is the only way to record a subsequent payment.

You can process and pay the subsequent payment in the usual way using the Salary processing cockpit. The processing of a subsequent payment is similar to processing the wage for the last period of an employment. This means, for example, that Profit calculates and pays the holiday allowance, if applicable, in the subsequent payment period.

If you add a back pay contract based on the hourly wage of the previous period, you enter the relevant hourly wage separately.

You can also pay out the leave hours by using a subsequent payment after the employment end. You post the number of leave hours to the 100.003.034 'Verlof uren uitbetalen' wage component and the hourly wage of the employee to the 100.009.500 'Uurloonberekening' wage component.


The 100.009.500 'Uurloonberekening' wage component includes a check of the 'SV' days. For a back pay contract the number of 'SV' days is zero, which means the wage component does not get calculated. Profit ignores the value of the 'Altijd uurloon berekenen' parameter for back pay contracts. You therefore do not have to set this parameter to Yes.

To enter a subsequent payment:

  1. Go to: HR / Payroll / Enter wage entry.
  2. Select the entry layout.
  3. Click on: OK.

    Profit starts the Enter wage entries functionality.

  4. Select the employer.
  5. Select the employee. This field is available only if you have selected the Wage entries per employee entry layout.


    if the employee is blocked, you cannot enter a wage entry. Unblock the employee from the the employee properties.

  6. Select the period table.

    You can only select a period table if a salary processing plan exists for the selected employer.

  7. Enter the year and the period that match the back pay contract of the employee.
  8. Click on the action: F5. Select.

    Profit activates the part with the entry lines. Any entry lines recorded previously are displayed as well.

  9. Post the wage entry for the subsequent payment.
  10. Check the entry using the Wage slip action. This makes Profit first perform a pro forma calculation and then display the pay slip.
  11. Click on: Finish.

See also

Directly to

  1. Subsequent payment after employment ends
  2. Record the 'NT/BT' HR setting
  3. Add a back pay contract
  4. View a back pay contract
  5. Record, process and make a subsequent payment