Copy a supplied salary table

You cannot directly change the salary tables supplied and maintained by your Profit supplier. To nevertheless make a change you must first make a copy of the salary table and then change this copy.

Make a copy of a salary table, for example when the reimbursement of travel expenses to employees is lower than the statutory permitted maximum. If there are new travel expense reimbursement tables in the new year, you have the option of copying the data for the new year from the table made available by your Profit supplier into your own table.


You can't only copy salary tables supplied and maintained by your Profit supplier, you can also copy salary tables that you created yourself.

To copy a salary table:

  1. Go to: HR / Organisation / CLA.
  2. Open the CLA properties.
  3. Go to the tab: Salary table.
  4. Select the salary table.
  5. Click on the action: Copy table.

    Profit copies the salary table. Afterit has been copied, Profit displays the number of the new salary table.

Directly to

  1. Salary tables
  2. View a salary table
  3. Copy a salary table
  4. Add a salary table
  5. Change a salary table
  6. Salary table in wage component