Journalise Payroll automatically or manually

If you use the integration with Profit Financieel, for each employer you specify whether Profit automatically journalises the salary processing or whether you do this manually following the approval.

If you want to transfer the journal entries to another environment, you must perform the approval and journalising as separate steps in the Salary processing cockpit. This means that you cannot generate the journal entries automatically upon approval.

To configure automatic or manual journalising:

  1. Open the employer’s properties.
  2. Go to the tab: Integration.
  3. Select the Journalise upon approval check box.

    Profit journalises the salary processing during the approval.

See also

Directly to

  1. Configure the Payroll journalising
  2. Journalise automatically or manually
  3. Journalise to another environment
  4. Configure the export of journal entries