Wage summaries

A wage summary collects wage components, calculation bases and parameters under a single header. This allows you to easily combine values from various wage elements and display them in a report or other output form.


A wage summary can be compared with a calculation basis. The differences between a wage summary and a calculation basis are:

  • In a wage summary, you can include a withholding component positively. In a wage summary, you can include a payment component negatively. In a calculation basis, you cannot modify this.
  • A wage summary retrieves its value from the salary processing. If you change a wage summary after approving the salaries, the change does not lead to an RAE entry. A change to a calculation basis does affect the salary processing.

Because of the above differences, we recommend you use a wage summary for reports, analyses or digital messages, such as a wage declaration.

For example, you can sum and collect all wage components related to wages to be paid in one wage summary, such as Loon.

You can group wage summaries in an organised way in wage summary groups. For example, in Profit the wage summary group Jaarwerk is present. This group contains all wage summaries required for the year-end work.


Be careful when applying wage summaries. Wage components that are included in wage summaries are not date-dependent and therefore can also apply to preceding wage years to which you have added RAE entries across years.

In Profit, three types of wage summaries exist:

  • Fixed wage summaries which cannot be maintained

    Your Profit supplier defines these wage summaries and maintains them using CLA Updates. For these wage summaries, Blocked is selected. You cannot include wage components, calculation bases or parameters in these wage components yourself. These wage summaries are displayed in blue.

  • User-defined wage summaries

    These are wage summaries you add yourself. You can determine which wage components, calculation bases and parameters are included in these wage summaries.

  • Fixed wage summaries that can be maintained

    Your Profit supplier defines these wage summaries and maintains them using CLA Updates. You can include wage components, calculation bases and parameters in these wage summaries yourself. Your Profit supplier may have included certain wage components, calculation bases and parameters in these wage summaries. In that case, you cannot modify this.


Also see