Wage slip settings per employer

Per employer you determine the layouts for the pay slips and annual statements. In addition, you determine whether Profit uses the settings per employee or that Profit adds the pay slips and annual statements to the dossier of the employee. You can also specify that you want to print the pay slips, but we do not discuss this old setting here.

If the employees receive their pay slips via InSite, you configure this at the employer level.

An employee who has left employment no longer has access to InSite. In that case, ensure that you change the settings for the employee and specify that the employee has left employment and should receive the pay slip by e-mail.

To specify settings related to pay slips and annual statements:

  1. Go to: HR / Organisation / Employer.
  2. Open the employer’s properties.
  3. Go to the tab: Pay slip/annual statement.
  4. Select the settings for issuing the pay slip.
    1. Select the pay slip report in Wage slip. This applies to all employees.
    2. Determine whether you want to generate a pay slip for each employment or labour relation of the employee. You can only select this if the Multiple employments functionality is activated.
    3. Determine whether you want to save the pay slip in the dossier of the employee and/or employer in Pay slip in client record.
    4. Select the method for issuing the pay slip in Pay slip supply.

      If you want to e-mail the pay slip, select According to employee settings.

    5. Select the language for the pay slip.
    6. Select a message template if you will be sending out the pay slips by e-mail.
  5. Select the settings for issuing the annual statement.
    1. In Annual statement select the report for the annual statement. This applies to all employees.

      We recommend you use the reports supplied as defaults for the annual statement.

      If you do make a copy of the report for the annual statement, we will not update it with the yearly (statutory) changes. This means that you have to copy the annual statements every year to keep the reports up-to-date or have to implement the (statutory) changes in the copies yourself.

    2. Determine whether you want to save the annual statement in the dossier of the employee and/or employer in Annual statement in client record.
    3. Select the method for issuing the annual statement in Annual statement supply.

      If you want to e-mail the pay slip, select According to employee settings.

    4. Select a message template if you will be sending out the pay slips by e-mail.
  6. Enter the e-mail address in E-mail address sender.

    Profit uses this address as the sender of the e-mail to the employees.

    Pay_Instellingen loonstrook per werkgever

  7. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Configure the issue method for pay slips and annual statements
  2. Specify e-mail server settings
  3. Settings per employer
  4. Settings per employee
  5. Change the payroll configuration for a salary indicator
  6. Change the payroll configuration for the digital pay slip