Generate year-end work checking summaries

You can use various reports to check the year-end data.

You can use the Payroll annual audit (Profit) report set to quickly check the year-end work reports. This report set is generated by linking it one-time as a deviating report set.

To display verification reports:

  1. Go to: HR / Payroll / Salary processing cockpit.
  2. Select the last period line for the year. If you process the wages for the employer on a monthly basis, you select December.
  3. Click on the action: Output.
  4. Open the report:
    • Compiled wage list Tax authority and 'UWV' orCompiled wage list Tax authority and 'UWV' (cumulative)

      In these reports you check the payment to the 'UWV’ and the tax authority. You no longer supply any year-end work to these agencies.

    • Payroll statement
    • Summary payroll statement cumulative
    • Cum. wage tax overview per processing period

      This report also contains the final levies and the ‘afdrachtverminderingen’.

    • Journal entry

      If you want to check the journal entry over the entire year, select the last period of the financial year. Profit then displays the cumulatives for the entire year on this overview.

See also

Directly to

  1. Generate the year-end work
  2. Generate year-end work audit overviews
  3. Generate the year-end work
  4. Generate the year-end work files
  5. Send the year-end work