Add a team role

A team role is the role that a team member has in the team. By default, AFAS provides three team roles: External project manager, Internal project manager and Team member. You can add and maintain team roles yourself. You can customise the configuration of a role and add custom fields.

You can block a team role by going to the properties and setting it to Blocked. You cannot block the three default roles maintained by AFAS.

To add a team role:

  1. Go to: Projects / Team / Team role.
  2. Click on: New.
  3. Enter a value in Team role.
  4. Enter the description.
  5. Click on: Next.

    For each team role, you specify whether you want a specific team role page for InSite and/or OutSite for this role. If you do not set this for a team role, InSite and/or OutSite shows the default basic project page with basic information for this team role.

  6. Select the Team role page for InSite check box if you want a specific project page for this team role in InSite.
  7. Select the Team role page for OutSite check box if you want a specific project page for this team role in OutSite.
  8. Click on: Finish.

Directly to

  1. Configure teams
  2. Authorise teams
  3. Add a team role
  4. Set a cost estimate entry layout for teams
  5. Configure the Teams entry layout for the header data of specific teams
  6. new specific teams
  7. Configure workflow for teams