Merge purchase contacts/creditors

You can merge two purchase contacts that are in fact one and the same purchase contact.

It can happen that, because of conversion or user errors, purchase contacts/creditors appear more than once in Profit. Using a merge, (underlying) data of the source that is not present in the target is transferred to the target. The source is then dropped.


Not all fields from the custom configuration are copied during the merge.

Custom fields with an empty destination are copied during the merge. For example, text fields are copied, but check boxes always have a value and are therefore not copied.
For a check box, the default setting is often deselected, but this still represents a value and therefore the setting is not copied. Text fields do not have a default value. If a value is entered, the value is copied.


Suppose that you added creditor A-goed some time ago. By accident, your colleague has also added the same creditor A-fout with a new contact person. The data for creditor A must, however, be registered in one place, as otherwise your administration will no longer be reliable. In the merge, creditor A-goed is the target and creditor A-fout the source. After the merge, the source data is dropped. Thus creditor A-fout disappears while you find the new contact person in A-goed.

To merge creditors:

  1. Select the purchase contact that you want to merge.
  2. Click on the action: Merge creditors.
  3. Select the purchase contact that you want to merge with the selected purchase contact.
  4. Click on: Finish.

    Profit adds the current purchase contact to the selected purchase contact.


    After the merging of two purchase contacts, the organisation of the source contact continues to exist. If this is not what you want, you can now merge the organisations.

  5. If required, continue with merge organisations/persons and/or link data type (e.g. debtor data) to another person.

Directly to

  1. Purchase contact/creditor
  2. Creditor profile
  3. Add/supplement a purchase contact
  4. View a purchase contact/creditor
  5. View a purchase contact/creditor in InSite
  6. Configure the issue method for a purchase contact
  7. Block a creditor (temporarily)
  8. Change a creditor number
  9. Synchronise a creditor number with an organisation/person
  10. Merge creditors
  11. Purchase contact item code