Activate page types for sales contacts/debtors in InSite

You activate the Debtors page type.

In InSite, there is a difference between the views for purchase/sales contacts related to CRM in InSite. You can add pages of the Sales contacts type to the CRM portal page and pages of the Debtors type to the Financial portal page and the Logistics portal page. The Debtors page type only shows sales contacts who are also debtors in the view. The Is debtor check box is selected for these contacts.

To activate page types for Debtors in InSite:

  1. Open Profit.
  2. Go to: General / In & OutSite / Site.
  3. Open the properties of the site.
  4. Go to the tab: Page types.
  5. Select the Activated check box after Debtors.
  6. Select the Activated check box after the information that you want to show in InSite for debtors. For example, InvoicesFinancial changesPurchase invoicesCommunication detailsActual costingOutstanding items and Projects.
  7. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Configure a sales contact in InSite
  2. Activate page types for Financial in InSite
  3. Create a menu item for Financial in InSite
  4. Authorise functionality